
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s159 - sting

★ sting【(vt) 刺す;ずきずきさせる;感情を傷つける;刺激する | (n) 刺すこと;刺し傷;皮肉;刺激;(動物学)針;(植物学)とげ】

* 『英単語の語源図鑑』p.231説明: sting :尖ったもので刺す
* 過去形: stung


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If he consented to praise marriage, it was merely because it produced virgins. Even when the bond had been formed, the ascetic passion retained its sting.

It appears that during those ages which so troubled Hugh Miller, when animals were torturing each other with ferocious horns and agonizing stings, Omnipotence was quietly waiting for the ultimate emergence of man, with his still more exquisite powers of torture and his far more widely diffused cruelty.
[ヒユー・ミラー(Hugh Miller, 1802-1856:スコットランドの地質学者, 古生物学者)をとても悩ませた諸時代 -それらの時代,動物は恐ろしい角や苦悶を与える針でお互いに傷つけあっていた- 全能の神は、最後に人間がさらに(=動物以上に)この上ない苦痛を(敵に)与える力や(動物よりも)もっとずっと広範な残忍さ(注:人類が使用してきた様々な拷問器具を思い浮かべるとよいか?)を以て出現するのを静かに待っていた,ように見える。]

No answer came from President Eisenhower. Two months later John Foster Dulles replied for him. This reply stung Premier Khrushchev into writing to me again answering various points made by Mr Dulles.


A wasp caught a spider and paralyzed it with a sting.
 出典:『新版完全征服データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.191]

I was stung on the arm by a bee.

The smoke is stinging my eyes.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

If a plant, animal, or insect stings you, a sharp part of it, usually covered with poison, is pushed into your skin so that you feel a sharp pain.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.