
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s087 - stain

★ stain 【 (n) 汚れ;染み;汚点 || (v) 汚す;着色する】

* stained glass ステンド・グラス(着色ガラス)
* stainless 汚れのない;錆びない


あるいは アマゾンで購入
When his shrine at Embrun was destroyed by the Huguenots, the phenomenal phallus of the holy personage was rescued from the ruins, stained red from abundant libations of wine, which his worshippers had been in the habit of pouring over it, drinking thereafter the potation as an infallible remedy against sterility and impotence.(Briffault, loc. cit/, p.40)
[エンブランにある彼の聖廟がユグノー教徒によって破壊された時、この聖者の驚くほど巨大な男根像(phallus)が廃嘘から救い出されたが,それは、大量のブドウ酒が献酒されて(注がれて)いて赤く染まっていた。彼の崇拝者たちは、ブドウ酒をその男根に注ぎかけ、その後で、不妊や性的不能を治す特効薬として、その神酒を飲むこと(potation)が習わしであった。 (出典:ブリフォールト、前掲書 p.40)]

When we speak of repentance as 'washing out' guilt we are using a metaphor derived from the fact that long ago actual washing was used to remove blood-stains.



A red wine stain is hard to get out of a white shirt.

This carpet stains easily, so try not to spill anything on it. / His teeth were stained with nicotine from years of smoking.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.