ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s010 - substitute

★ substitute [(v) (・・・を・・・の)代わりに用いる,取り替える,置き換える;(・・・の)代わりをする || (n) 代理人,補欠者;代用語]

* substitution (n): 代理,代用
『東大英単』p.93の説明:動詞形の substitute は自動詞の場合,たとえば I substituted for my sick father. (私は病気の父の代理をつとめた)のような使い方をする。数学では substitute 10 for x のように「代入」の意味に用いる。類語の一つに replace があるが substitute に比べて暫定的でない正式の交代を意味することが多い。


あるいは アマゾンで購入
They hated Ramsay MacDonald from very early days. The least hostile thing that I ever heard either of them say about him was at the time of the formation of the first Labour Government, when Mrs Webb said he was a very good substitute for a leader.
[彼ら(注:ウェッブ夫妻)は,ラムゼイ・マクドナルド(Ramsay MacDonald, 1866-1937/労働党が初めて政権をとった時の英国首相をごく早い時期から嫌っていた。夫妻のどちらかがマクドナルドについて語っているのを聞いた言葉のなかで,最も敵意が少なかったのは,第一次労働党政府ができた時(1924年)であり,その時ウェッブ夫人は,マクドナルドは指導者の'代理'としてはたいへん良い,という発言であった。

I had occasion recently to remark on the surprising slowness of pupils in learning, and I wrote: 'The ordinary boy learns his lesson much more slowly than his teacher expects him to do.' The everyday feminist would substitute: 'The ordinary boy or girl learns his or her lesson much more slowly than his or her teacher expects him or her to do.' But the thoroughgoing feminist substitutes: 'The ordinary girl learns her lesson much more slowly than her teacher expects her to do.'



In chemistry, many important compounds have been created by substituting one chenmical group for another into an existing molecules.

He substituted for the worker who was ill.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]