
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 r011 - resemble

★ resemble [(vt) 似ている;共通点がある]

* resemblance (n): similarity esp. in appearance / 類似(点)
* 『<改訂新版>試験に出る英単語』p.154説明:"re" は 強意, semble = like ,従って「非常によく似ている」。


The chief thing that I was asked to notice about him was his close resemblance to his and my grandmother's grandfather, Mr. Brydon,

Many a child is psychologically ruined by ignorant and sentimental handling on the part of its mother. It has always been recognised that fathers cannot be expected to do very much for their children, and yet children are quite as apt to love their fathers as to love their mothers. The relation of the mother to the child will have in future to resemble more and more that which at present the father has, if women's lives are to be freed from unnecessary slavery and children are to be allowed to profit by the scientific knowledge which is accumulating as to the care of their minds and bodies in early years.

It is a curious feature of American (and to some extent of British) civilization that those who have created and maintained it seek for themselves, in their spare time, something differing from it as widely as possible. This does not apply, for example, to the civilisation of France. A Fenchman likes a foreign country in prortion as it resembles his own, and there is no feature of his own world from which he longs to escape. What is the reason for this difference?
[これはアメリカ文明にまつわる奇妙な特徴であるが  -同じことはイギリス文明についてもある程度言えるが- アメリカ文明を創造し維持してきたアメリカ人は,余暇時間に,自分たちの文明と異なったものをできるだけ幅広く探し求める。この現象は,たとえば,フランス文明にはあてはまらない。フランス人は,フランスに似ている度合いに応じて外国を好きになる。そうしてフランス人は,彼ら自身の世界には,彼らが逃れたいような特質は存在しない。この英米人とフランス人との相違はどうしてであろうか?

She resembles her sister in appearance but not in character.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]