バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p081 - propagate
★ propagate (v) 【(vt)(考えなどを)普及させる;繁殖させる;(音などを)伝える | (vi) 繁殖する,増殖する】
* propagation (n):繁殖;普及;宣伝;伝搬
* propaganda (n):(主義・教義などの)宣伝,プロパガンダ
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[主要な軍国主義国家のすべてが,「砲弾には餌食がなければならない」というスローガンの下に,軍拡競争の上に,繁殖競争(a race of propagation)もあわせてやっている光景を眼に浮かべることができる。]
If scientific breeding is to be carried out thoroughly, it will be necessary to set apart in each generation some two or three per cent. (= percent) of the males and some twenty-five per cent. (= percent) of the females for the purpose of propagation.
Historically, we found that sexual morality, as it exists in civilized societies, has been derived from two quite different sources: on the one hand desire for certainty as to fatherhood, on the other an ascetic belief that sex is wicked, except in so far as it is necessary for propagation.
ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
Who is propagating that nonsense?
出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.
They started a newspaper to propagate their ideas.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.