
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 p012

★ plot (n)[筋,構想,プロット;企み,陰謀;小区画の土地  || (v) (物語などの)プロットを作る;悪事をひそかに図る:(・・ to do)(・・・することを)企む;図面などを描く,グラフ上の点として示す

* plotless (adj.): 筋のない,計画のない
* plotter (n):陰謀を企む者;作図装置


At my first meeting rats were let loose to frighten the ladies, and ladies who were in the plot screamed in pretended terror with a view to disgracing their sex. An account of this is given in the following newspaper report:
Election Uproar. Rats let loose to scare women suffragists. Wimbledon fight.

* scare (v):怖がらせる,おびえさせる;怖がらせて(・・・の状態)にする 【The accident scared them senseless. その事故で彼らは気絶するほど怯えた。】
 選挙騒動: 婦人参政権論者を怯えさせるためにネズミが放たれる(ウィンブルドン選挙戦)

My intellectual friends, most of whom are passionate readers of detective stories, assure me that what they like is the ingenuity of the plot and the detection. But I think they are mistaken in this. We do not thoroughly enjoy the artistic execution of a performance if we have no instinctive interest in its fundamental purpose.



Plot a graph of body temperature against time. / We have plotted temperature on the x-axis and depth on the y-axis.
[時間がたつにつれて体温がどうなるかを表すグラフを書きなさい。/ x軸に温度を,y軸に深さをプロットした。

The plot was so complicated that I could'nt follow it. / The police have uncovered a plot to assassinate the president.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemprary English, new ed.]