バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 o035 - organic
★ organic (adj.)【有機的な,有機体の;臓器の,器官の】
organ (n):臓器,組織
* organism (n):生物,有機体
* organize (v):組織する
* organic matter 有機物
* organic chemistry 有機化学
* organic fertilizers 有機肥料
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To take a purely imaginary example, a learned man may improve his financial position by teaching brewing instead of organic chemistry; he gains, but learning suffers.
Moore gave due weight to morals and by his doctrine of organic unities avoided the view that the good consists of a series of isolated passionate moments, but those who considered themselves his disciples ignored this aspect of his teaching and degraded his ethics into advocacy of a stuffy girls-school sentimentalising.
[ムーア(G. E. Moore)は,当然おくべき比重を道徳においていたし,その有機的統一の学説により,善は孤立した情熱的な瞬間の系列(集合)から構成されるとする見解を退けていたが,自分たちをムーアの弟子であると考えていた人々は,ムーアの教えのこの側面を無視し,ムーアの倫理学を,息づまる女学校の感傷主義の唱道に落としめてしまった。
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A friend has recently started an organic soup business called Heartland Soups.
出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.117]
Improve the soil by adding organic matter.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, 8th ed.]