
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 n024 - naughty

★ naughty (adj.)【いたずらな,行儀の悪い;言うことを聞かない;不適当な】


Once, when Friday's Hill was to be let, the prospective tenants wrote to inquire whether the drains had been passed by a sanitary inspector. She explained to us all at the tea-table that they had not, but she was going to say that they had. I protested, but both Logan and Alys said 'hush' as if I had been a naughty child who had interrupted Teacher.
* drain (n):下水管;(複数形で)下水施設


a naughty boy. / That's very naughty of you.
 出典:Shogakukan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, 1982]

You naughty boy! I told you not to play in the road.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

If you say that a child is naughty, you mean that they behave badly or do not do what they are told.
[ 出典:COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, 3rd ed.]