
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 i033 - if only

★ if only [~でさえあれば,~さえしていれば;ただ~だけとしても]


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In each case one has the feeling 'If only it were to do again, how differently I could act,' combined with fantasies of a wiser behaviour which may in time completely falsify one's memory.

I believe that America is right in this matter, although, from a common sense point of view, it might seem obvious that the way to get over being hard up is to save. Why is common sense wrong about public expenditure, when it would be right if only an individual were concerned?

But besides the irrational and instinctive element in the war fever, there is always also, if only as a liberator of primitive impulse, a certain amount of quasi-rational calculation and what is euphemistically called "thought." The war fever very seldom seizes a nation unless it believes that it will be victorious. Undoubtedly, under the influence of excitement, men over-estimate their chances of success.
[だが,戦争熱には非合理的で本能的な要素のほかに -たとえそれが,原始的衝動を解放する役割を演じるだけのものだとしても-,常にまたある程度の疑似理性的な打算と,婉曲的に「思考」(思想?)と呼ばれているものが存在している。国民は,自分の方が勝てると信じないかぎり,戦争熱にうかされることはまずないといっていい。疑いもなく人々は,興奮していることの影響で,自分の側がうまくゆく可能性を過大評価するものだが,希望的観測と理性的な人間の予想とのあいだには,なにほどかの比例は存在する。

She wrote bad plays in the style of Scribe, and imagined that if only she could get away from Millville and establish contact with the literary lights of Europe, her talent would be recognised.
[彼女は,スクリーブ(Eugene Scribe ウジェーヌ・スクリーブ, 1791-1861/19世紀フランスにおいて最も有名な劇作家)流の文体で下手な(出来の悪い)戯曲を書いており,自分がミルヴィルを離れ,ヨーロッパにおける文学の指導的な人たちと接触することさえできれば,自分の才能は認められるであろうと想像していた。


If only he wouldn't eat so noisy.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

If only I were rich. / If only I had gone by taxi.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary, 8th ed.]

We must respect him If only for his honesty (if only because he's honest).
[ 正直な点からだけでも,彼を尊敬すべきだ。
 出典:Kenkyusha's New College English-Japanese Dictionary, 6th ed.]