
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h012 - indicate

★ indicate (v) [指し示す;指摘する;(・・・を)示す,表す;]

* indication (n):指示(すること);しるし,兆候;(+that)(・・・という)指示;兆候
* indicative (adj.): (・・・を)指示して;暗示して;(文法)直説法の
* indicator (n): 指示するもの;表式;指針
* 森一郎『試験に出る英単語』p.153説明:index(索引,見出し) と姉妹語


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Modern science gives no indication whatever of the existence of the soul or mind as an entity; indeed th reasons for disbelieving in it are of very much the same kind as the reasons for disbelieving in matter.

If once a week employees were allowed to pull the employer's nose and otherwise indicate what they thought of him, the nervous tension for them would be relieved, but for the employer, who also has his troubles, this would not mend matters. What the fear of dismissal is to the employee, the fear of bankruptcy is to the employer.


Those in favor indicated their preference by a show of hands.

Litmus paper indicates whether a solution is acid, alkaline, or neutral, but it does not indicates the actual pH value.

I asked him where my sister was and he indicated the shop opposite.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]