
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h038 - humbug

★ humbug (古風な言い方) [(n) ぺてん,ごまかし;大嘘;ペテン師;ほら吹き || (v) (人を)だます,いかさまする || (間投詞)ばかな! くだらない!]


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The professions in which a man is allowed to behave in a natural manner are, of course, on the whole less lucrative than those in which a high standard of humbug is required.

We live in a world of humbug, and the child brought up without humbug is bound to despise much that is commonly thought to deserve respect.

If you tell children that they ought to be affectionate, you run the risk of producing cant and humbug.
 出典:ラッセル『教育論』第二部 性格の教育_第11章「愛情と同情」]

Shaw's attack on Victorian humbug and hypocrisy was as beneficent as it was delightful, and for this the English undoubtedly owe him a debt of gratitude. It was a part of Victorian humbug to endeavor to conceal vanity.

They (Children) have a dislike of humbug, which usually disappears in later life. .


This newspaper is always talking about the decline of moral standards, but that's sheer humbug because it's full of porno graphic pictures.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]