
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 h025 - humble

★ humble (adj.):【謙遜した,謙虚な;粗末な;身分が低い】

* humbly (adj.):謙遜して,恐れ入って;みすぼらしく


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'But now I just want to say how it's difficult, when one has embarked upon a course which invites a greater or less degree of persecution and obloquy and abuse, to find instead that one is welcomed as I have been today. It makes one feel rather humble, and ... '
* obloquy (n):悪評;汚名;(激しい)悪口

She wrote bad plays in the style of Scribe, and imagined that if only she could get away from Millville and establish contact with the literary lights of Europe, her talent would be recognised. He was humbly devoted to her, but she had various flirtations with men whom she imagined to be of finer clay.
* flirtation (n):いちゃつき,浮気
* clay 'n):粘土;土;資質;人柄

[彼女は,スクリーブ(注:Eugene Scribe ウジェーヌ・スクリーブ, 1791-1861/19世紀フランスにおいて最も有名な劇作家)流の文体で出来の悪い戯曲を書いており,自分がミルヴィルを離れ,ヨーロッパにおける文学の指導的な人たちと接触することさえできれば,自分の才能は認められるであろうと想像していた。彼(注:その夫)は,控えめで,彼女に対し献身的であったが,彼女の方は,彼女が夫よりも繊細な人間だと思うさまざまの男たちとの恋愛遊戯にふけっていた。


My father taught me to be humble and honest.

Everyone says that he has a humble character.
 出典:『新版完全征服 データベース5500 合格 英単語・熟語』p.267]

He rose from humble origins to become prime minister.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]