
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 g025 - guilt

★ guilt [(n) 有罪,罪を犯していること;罪悪感,罪の意識]

* guilty (adj.):有罪の;罪の自覚のある
* not guilty 無罪です(裁判長の判決の言い渡し)


あるいは アマゾンで購入
It is often said to be more important that the innocent should be acquitted than that the guilty should be condemned, but everywhere it is the duty of the police to seek evidence of guilt, not of innocence.
[罪を犯した人間が 有罪の判決を受けることよりも,無実の人間が放免されることのほうが重要だとはよく言われることである。しかし,いかなるところにおいても,警察の任務は犯罪の証拠を探すことであり,無罪の証拠を探し出すことではない。

I still remember with a profound sense of guilt an occasion on which I forgot a dinner engagement and remembered just as I had finished my own dinner. I rushed round, arriving very late, and tried to eat a second dinner, which I found to be an agonizing torture.


Later he had a great sense of guilt about leaving his family like that.

When children behave badly the guilt sometimes lies with the parents for not caring sufficiently. / She was tortured by guilt.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]