
バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 e072 - elevate

★ elevate (v)【(精神を)高める;昇進させる;持ち上げる】

* elevate body temperature 体温を上げる
* elevation (n):登用,昇進;高尚にすること;海抜
* elevator エレベーター,昇降機


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If such is the law, it will become the duty of the local police to visit every married woman and make an inquisition into her moral status. The effect might be most elevating, but I doubt whether those who were being elevated would altogether enjoy it.

There is a desire to have a good moral effect on students, and a wish to drill them in old-fashioned, worthless information, largely known to be false, but supposed to be morally elevating.
[学生たちに善い道徳的な影響を与えたいという欲求と,旧式な無価値な知識 -そういう知識は,大半は誤りだとわかっていても,道徳向上にはためになると考えられてる- を学生たちにたたき込みたいという願望があるのである。]

When Pope Adrian VI (the last non Italian to occupy the Papal See) died a few months after his elevation, deputations of eminent Romans marched with congratulations to the house of his physician.
[法王アドリアン六世(イタリ ア人以外でローマ法王になった最後の人)が就任後(昇進後)2,3ケ月で他界した時,ローマの著名人たちの代表は,法王の逝去を祝って,法王の侍医の家まで行進した(そうである)。]

It is not easy to assess the importance of John Stuart Mill in nineteenth-century England. What he achieved depended more upon his moral elevation and his just estimate of the ends of life than upon any purely intellectual merits.


They had to elevate the chair to move the table.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.55

Can't you read something more elevating than these silly romantic novels?
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.