
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 e038 - embarrass

★ embarrass (v)【当惑させる;恥ずかしい思いをさせる】

* em = in , bar = 横木 ;(横木で取り囲まれると) 当惑する」
* embarrassed (adj.):きまり悪がる,当惑した;まごついて,きまり悪い思いをして
* embarrassment (n):当惑;恥ずかしい思い


あるいは アマゾンで購入
I have frequently been embarrassed in talking to American ladies to find that whatever man I happened to mention had been their husband at some time or other.

I had to go to Buckingham Palace for the official bestowal of it. The King was affable, but somewhat embarrassed at having to behave graciously to so queer a fellow, a convict to boot.

This answering of questions is a very large part of early education. But if he asks you a question connected with sex, you will be tempted to say "Hush, hush". If you have learnt not to do that, you will still answer briefly and drily, perhaps with a trifle of embarrassment in your manner.
[(このようにいろいろな)質問に答えてあげることは,幼児教育の非常に大きな部分をなしている。しかし,もしも,子供が性に関する質問をすると,あなたは「しいっ,しいっ(静かにして)」と言いたくなるだろう。そういうやり方はよくないと理解していても,(注: IF = Even if たとえ~としても),なお,あなたは,簡単に,そっけなく(drily = dryly),おそらく(or ことによると),少し動揺して答えることであろう。


He seemed embarrassed when she asked him some personal questions.

The boy felt embarrassed when his parents treated him like a child in front of his friends.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』,p.260]

I was too embarrassed to say anything.
 出典:『CORPUS 入試頻出4500英単語・熟語』p.255]

It was so embarrassing when the children started laughing in the middle of the service.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]