
バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 d099 - dissociation

★ dissociation (n)【分離(作用/状態);(意識・人格の)分裂;(化学)解離】

* dissociate (also disassociate) (v) :引き離す,分離する,分離して考える;(- oneself) 関係を断つ


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If he goes with prostitutes, the dissociation between the physical and the idealistic aspects of love which has begun in adolescence is perpetuated, with the result that his relations with women ever after have to be either platonic or, in his belief, degrading.

Owing to the Manichaean elements in Christian teaching, the idealistic and the carnal impulses of adolescence are apt, among ourselves, to remain wholly dissociated, and even at war one with the other.
[キリスト教の教えにあるマニ教的な要素(注:二元論的要素)のために,思春期の理想主義的な衝動と肉欲的な衝動が,われわれの中で完全に分離したままで存在し,ときには戦い(せめぎあい)さえする傾向がある(at war one with the other)。]

Tthe result is that the child lives in an agony of apprehension, which presently becomes dissociated from its original cause (now repressed into the unconscious), but remains to produce nightmares, nervousness, delusions, and insane terrors.


dissociation of consciousness / dissociation of personality
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.111

Can the private and public lives of a politician ever be dissociated?
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.