
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d098 - differentiate

★ differentiate (v)【(vt) 区別する,識別する;差異を生じさせる | (vi) 差を認める;区別を生じる】

* differentiation (n) :区別,識別;分化,特殊化;(数)微分
* differential (adj.):差異を示す;特異の;差別的な;微分の || (n) 差異;微分
* differentiate one from another 甲と乙とに差異を認める


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In general, marriage is easiest where people are least differentiated. When a man differs little from other men, and a woman differs little from other women, there is no particular reason to regret not having married someone else.

There is not apparently, in these regions, a very clear differentiation between medicine-men and others, and some of the simpler remedies may be used by anyone.

Mathematics is a study which, when we start from its most familiar portions, may be pursued in either of two opposite directions. The more familiar direction is constructive, towards gradually increasing complexity: from integers to fractions, real numbers, complex numbers ; from addition and multiplication to differentiation and integration, and on to higher mathematics.


I can differentiate between the genuine and the false.
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.62

This company does not differentiate between men and women. / What differentiates these two products?
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.