
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d059 - drag

★ drag [(v)(重いものを)引く,ひっぱる;(足・尾などを)引きずる;(重いものを)引き出す;(事実などを)聞き出す;(無理に)連れて行き;引きずり込む;(バットを引くようにして)バントを打つ || (n) 引きずること,牽引;引かれる(引きずる)もの;底引き網;(抵抗による)前進の遅れ;足手まとい]

* drag one's feet : 足を引きずって歩く
* drag down : 引きずり下ろす
* drag in : (ものを無理に)引きずり込む
* draggle (v):(泥の中などで)引きずってよごす;すそを引きずる;とぼとぼと進む
* draggled (adj.):(衣服・髪などを)引きずって汚れた;汚くなった


あるいは アマゾンで購入
The opinions of parents are immensely important, because, for lack of expert knowledge, parents are too often a drag upon the best educationists.
[親の判断(力)(opinions)は,非常に重要である(注:個々の意見 opinion ではなく,いろいろな知識の上にたった判断(力) opinions)。なぜなら,専門的な知識がないために,親は(が),最高の教育家にとってさえ,障害になっていることがあまりにも多いからである。

When a man spent a long day with very primitive weapons in stalking a deer with the hope of dinner, and when, at the end of the day, he dragged the carcass triumphantly to his cave, he sank down in contented weariness, while his wife dressed and cooked the meat.
* carcass (n):(獣の)死体
* dress (v):(料理の前に魚・肉などを)下ごしらえをする

 出典:ラッセル政治的に重要な欲求 -ノーベル文学賞受賞記念講演」]

Gradually he would establish the principle that peacocks with specially fine tails are almost always wicked, and that the wise ruler in the peacock kingdom would seek out the humble bird with only a few draggled tail feathers. .


The policeman dragged him outside, and stood him up against a wall.

I had to drag my heavy suitcase to the hotel.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.44]

Why must you drag me out to a concert on a cold night like this? / They're dragging the river for her body of the missing girl. He felt that his family was a drag on his success.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]