
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c180 - constellation

★ constellation【(n) 星座;(着飾った紳士淑女などの)一群、集まり】

* 語源:ラテン語の com(ともに)+ stella(星)


The earth's rotation causes the inhabitants of New York to move through about sixteen thousand miles a day; the earth's revolution round the sun takes them on a journey of about three hundred million miles every year; the sun's proper motion causes them to approach the constellation Hercules by several miles in every second.

To understand Vietnam and the agony of her struggle, we must see Vietnam amidst the constellation of anti-colonial forces which are transforming the Third World and, less dramatically, the West itself .


a constellation of cerebrities
 出典:『究極の英単語 v.4:超上級の3000語』p.458

a constellation of Hollywood talent
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.

A constellation is a group of stars which form a pattern and have a name.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.