
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c134 - counsel

★ counsel [(n) 助言,忠告;相談;法律顧問;(英国/絹の法衣を着用)勅撰法廷弁護士 | (v) 助言する;勧める]

* take counsel with ~と相談する
* counsel of perfection 完徳の勧め(神のように完全な人となりなさい,というキリストの教え/実行不可能な[理想的]助言)


I think though this is perhaps counsel of perfection that before an historian actually composes a chapter, he should have the material so familiarly in his mind that his pen never has to pause for verification of what he is saying.

If you wish to mention in a law court any unassimilable fact, you will find that it is contrary to the laws of evidence to do so, and that not only the judge and the opposing counsel but also counsel on your side will prevent the said fact from coming out.
[もし人が,何かまともに聞いていられないような事実を法廷で述べようと思うならば,そうすることは証言法(注:laws of evidence)に背くことになり,裁判官(判事)と反対側の弁護士ばかりでなく,自分の側の弁護士も,そのような事実(注:すぐ前の,まともに聞いていられない事実)が表に出てくるのを防ぐことであろう。]


She listened carefully to the elder's counsel.

The king took counsel from the assembled nobles. / She counselled them not to accept his explanations.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.