バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c132 - carry over
★ carry over [持ち越す,引き継ぐ,(ある金額などを)繰り越す、(簿記)次ページへ繰越す;持ち越す、延期する]
* carry over the balance 残額を繰り越す
* その2(不注意で作成)
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The country was plentifully stocked with provisions, highways, which the Romans had carried over the Alps, opened several communications between Gaul and Italy. from .
[田園地方では食糧が十分に備蓄され,ローマ人がアルプスを越えて延長した(carried over the Alps)幹線道路は,ガリア(ゴール)とイタリアの間に数本の連絡網(communications 連絡通路)を開いていた。]
When the objection to "disordered imagination " is carried over into genuine play, it seems to me to go too far. The same thing applies to the objection to telling children about fairies and giants and witches and magic carpets and so on.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.291
carry over to maturity a childish bad temper
出典:Shogakkan Random House English-Japanese Dictionary, v.1
These regulations are a carry-over from restrictions that were imposed during wartime.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.