ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c095 - clarity

★ clarity (n) [明瞭,明晰,明快;(液体の)透明さ;(音色の)清澄]

* clarity of logic 論理の明快さ
* clarify (vt):明確にする;解明する;(液体・空気などを)清くする,浄化する || (vi) 明白になる;住む
* clarify one's position 立場を明らかにする
* clarification (n):明白にすること,解明;浄化


This attitude, even though it may imply some lack of theoretical clarity, is on the whole right in practice.

I do like clarity and exact thinking and I believe that very important to mankind because when you allow yourself to think inexactly your prejudices, your bias, your self-interest comes in in ways you don't notice and you do bad things without knowing that you are doing them: self-deception is very easy. So that I do think clear thinking immensely important.
[私は、明晰であること(clarity)及び精確な思考 (exact thinking)を好みます。そうして、それは人間にとって非常に重要なことだと信じます。なぜなら、精確でない思考を許すと、偏見(prejudices 根拠のない判断や批評)やバイアス(bias 偏った意見や見方)、私利私欲が気づかないうちに入り込み、自分でも気づかないうちに悪いことをしてしまうからです。自己欺瞞はとても容易です。従って、明晰な思考は非常に重要だと考えます。]
 出典:Bertrand Russell - Television interview (YouTube):「"On clarity and exact thinking"

What I have to say is the outcome of perplexities in regard to my own children; it is therefore not remote or theoretical, and may, I hope, help to clarify the thoughts of other parents faced with a like perplexity, whether in the way of agreement with my conclusions or the opposite.

Indeed I should view the whole matter in a way which makes the controversy vanish, but before I can make this clear, there is need of a considerable amount of theoretical clarification.

We used to have close arguments back and forth, and succeeded in genuinely clarifying points to our mutual satisfaction, which is rare in philosophical argument.


Simplicity and clarity in writing will quite satisfy readers.

The mechanism of the human brain is only partly clarified.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.446

John asked his employer to clarify his contact.
 出典:『キクタン super 12000』p.59

When will the government clarify its position on equal pay for women?
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.