
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c063 - cult

★ cult [(n)(宗教的な)祭式,儀式;(宗教的な)崇拝,信仰;礼賛;(集合的に)礼賛者(熱狂者)のグループ;新興宗教 || (adj.) 新興宗教の;少数熱狂者グループの]


Men accustomed to difficult negotiations learn a kind of tenderness towards the vanity of others and indeed towards all their prejudices, which is infinitely shocking to those who make a cult of sincerity.

Gradually, however, these heights of sentiment were found fatiguing, and in their place came the modern cult of humour.

I therefore wrote a short piece containing various fables making fun of this cult of 'common usage', remarking that what the philosophers really meant by the term was 'common-room usage'.
[そこで私は,この「日常的な用法」礼賛をからかった多くの寓話を織り込んだ,短い評論を書き(注:「日常的な用法」礼賛」the cult of common usage は,みすず書房から出されている『(ラッセル)自伝的回想』に収録されている。),こう批評した。「日常的な用法」という言葉で哲学者たちが本当に意味しているのは,談話室での言語使用法である」と。


His music has become something of a cult. / Her books aren't bestsellers, but they have a certain cult following.
[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]

Their son ran away from home and joined a cult. / The singer has become a cult figure. / The TV series has a cult following.
[ 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 6the ed.]