
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c028 - creep

★ creep (過去形: crept) (v) [忍び寄る;はう;はっていく;(つる・木の根などが)からみつく;(はだが)むずむずする;ぞっとする
(n) 腹這うこと;徐行]

* creeper (n): 這うもの;昆虫、爬虫類の動物
* creeping (adj):這いまわる;むずむずする;こそこそ取り入る
* creepy (adj.): むずむずする;身の毛のよだつような
* Creepy Nuts:現在人気のあるヒップホップユニットの名前。"Nuts"(スラング)には「クレイジー」や「睾丸」という意味がある。


On the night-train he shared a compartment with her; on the boat whenever anybody spoke with her he would creep behind silently. He had extraordinary skill in the art of creeping.

My window looked out upon two Lombardy poplars, each about a hundred feet high, and I used to watch the shadow of the house creeping up them as the sun set.
* look out on [upon]: 向く、臨む、(その方向に)面する、面している

I had had from the first a dark suspicion that the invitation might be a practical joke, and in order to test its genuineness I had got the Chinese to pay my passage money before I started. I thought that few people would spend £125 on a joke, but when nobody appeared at Shanghai our fears revived, and we began to think we might have to creep home with our tails between our legs.


As time passes, legends and lies creep into history.
 出典:『英単語ターゲット1900 四訂版』p.235

The mother crept out of the room so that she wouldn't her baby up.
 出典:『東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.514

We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby. / The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse. / Old age is creeping up on me.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.