バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 a024 - ascetic
★ ascetic (n., adj.) [ (形)苦行の;禁欲的な,禁欲生活の || (名)禁欲主義者;苦行者,修道僧]
* asceticism (n): 禁欲主義;(宗教)苦行(生活)
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出典:ラッセル『自伝』第1巻第7章「 再びケンブリッジへ」]
This ascetic element in ordinary morality has become almost unconscious but it operates in all kinds of ways that make our moral code irrational. In a rational ethic it will be held laudable to give pleasure to anyone, even to oneself, provided there is no counter-balancing pain to oneself or to others. The ideally virtuous man, if we had got rid of asceticism, would be the man who permits the enjoyment of an good things whenever there is no evil consequence to outweigh the enjoyment.
Our morality is ascetic, which makes us regard work as a virtue; it follows that production is good and consumption is bad. This ascetic twist has produced a world system in which half the world is poor because it produces too much and the other half because it consumes too little.
the ascetic life of Buddhist monks.[ 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.]