ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



類義語 vow / swear / pledge


【"swear":宗教臭さのある言葉で、欧米の法廷では、裁判長が”Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God ?"と言い、それに対し証人は、聖書に手を置いて "[Yes, I do] I swear [to God]."と宣誓させられる。また、物的な公約の意味でも用いられる。】

(1-1) He vowed that he'd never smoke or drink again for the rest of his life.

(1-2) She made a marriage vow five years ago.

(2-1) I swear on my life。

(2-2) I swear I've seen him somewhere.

(3-1) We pledged friendship in our youth.

(3-2) He made a pledge of 70,000 yen to the alumni fund.


I remember vividly how, at a very early age, I saw through the Victorian humbug and hypocrisy with which I was surrounded, and vowed that, if I ever had children, I would not repeat the mistakes that were being made with me.

In all things I have made the vow to follow reason, not the instincts inherited partly from my ancestors and gained gradually by selection and partly due to my education.
[私は,あらゆることにおいて - 一部は自分の祖先から(遺伝で)受け継ぎ,また自然陶汰によって徐々に獲得した本能ではなく,部分的に教育のおかげであるところの- 理性に従うという決意を(これまで)立ててきた。]

On September 27th we were married, having succeeded in hurrying up the King’s Proctor, though this required that I should swear by Almighty God on Charing Cross platform that Dora was the woman with whom I had committed the official adultery.

If it rained, the numbers participating in the demonstration would undoubtedly dwindle in spite of the large nucleus already pledged to take part.


You vowed never to forget my birthday, didn't you?
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.410

All the men took [made] a vow of loyalty to their leader.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

My daughter sore to me that she'd never see him again.

I swear, John. As of today, I quit smoking.
 出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』p.173

He pledged us his support [loyalty]= He pledged his support [loyalty] to us.
 出典:『京大学術語彙データベース 基本英単語1110』p.189

He pledged to abstain from drinking once and for all.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.596