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ラッセル英単語熟語-索引  類義語-索引

バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」 hire / employ



(1-1) We can hire those stenographers away from any company by offering them double the money they are getting.

(1-2) We hired the whole 3rd floor of the hotel.

(1/2) We can employ some of those hired stenographers for our new subsidiary.


During the ten months that intervened before my going to Cambridge, I lived at home, and coached with the man whom the crammer had hired to teach me.

The wealth obtained by commerce was spent, in part, on the hire of mercenaries, and was thus made into a means of obtaining military power.

If he employs detectives, they have to be private detectives paid out of his own pocket or that of his friends.

We, however, wish to appeal to reason, and we must therefore employ dull neutral phrases, such as "extra-marital sexual relations".


We must hire a part-time worker.
 出典『VITAL3000英単語・熟語』, p.231

She hired a private detective to inquire into the case.
 出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』, p.159

All newspapers employ people who can collect information and write about the news.
 出典:『英単語ターゲット1900』, p.47

It is much better to employ that time in analyzing and correcting what is wrong.
 出典:『ジーニアス英単語2500 改訂版』, p.81