ラッセル英単語熟語-索引 類義語-索引
バートランド・ラッセルの英語「類義語シリーズ」- enemy / foe
(1) He is your arch enemy.
(2-1) friends or foes
(2-2) They are foes of your new plans.
When I was young France was still regarded as the traditional enemy of England, and I gathered as an unquestionable truth that one Englishman could defeat three Frenchmen. When Germany became the enemy this belief was modified and English people ceased to mention derisively the French propensity for eating frogs.
[私が小さい時,フランスはいまだ英国の伝統的な敵国とみなされており,また、1人の英国人は3人のフランス人をやっつけることができるということを,疑問の余地のな い真理である,と思った。(だが)ドイツが敵国となると,この信念は修正され,英国人はフランス人が,蛙を喰う傾向があるのを嘲笑することを止めてしまった(注:フランスはドイツと戦ってくれる「味方」になったため)。なお、"gather"はここでは「集める」ではなく、「(知識を)得る」。]
I think it possible that in this way all the Great Powers could be led to agree that a world war can no longer serve the purposes of any of them, since it is likely to exterminate friend and foe equally and neutrals likewise.
But I believe it is true of friend as well as foe.
You had better not make an enemy out of your former friend.
出典:『VITAL3000 英単語・熟語』,p.107
She thought the man next to her was her foe in business.
出典:『キクタンsuper 12000』,p.185