類義語シリーズ r_ruigigo-c15
★ credible / creditable
最所フミ(編著)『英語類義語活用辞典』(pp.98-99)から a href="r_ruigigo-idx.htm" target="_blank" target="_blank">総索引
【"credible":主として法律用語として使われ、"credible person'あるいは'credible witness'で,信頼できる証人の意味。この意味では,'credible'は正直で嘘をつかないだけでなく,頭の点でも状況把握の能力があると見て良いという意味。反対語の'incredible'は,一般語で,「信じられない」以外に,「驚くべき」という意味で使われる場合が多い。】
(1-1) What he has said is completely credible.
(1-2) He has an incredible talent.
(2-1) He gave a creditable performance.
(2-2) She was born of creditable parents.
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The fact is that optimism is pleasant so long as it is credible, but when it is not, it is intensely irritating.
Nothing is more fatiguing nor, in the long run, more exasperating than the daily effort to believe things which daily become more incredible.
In the ordinary English upper-class family, the killing of birds is considered highly creditable, and the killing of men in war is regarded as the noblest of professions.
That this should be possible is creditable to them (= astrologers) but very discreditable to our educational system.
<参考例1-1>He was a credible witness, so the jury believed him.
出典:『キクタン super 12000』, p.195
Many thought the child's story was incredible and that he was making up. / The audience applauded the pianist's incredible performance.
出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』 p.383 & 384
a creditable attempt to establish peace
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporay English, new ed.