第18章 権力を手懐けること, n.21 - 官僚の圧政を防ぐ備えⅡ
従って,全ての大規模な産業と金融・財政の公的所有は,権力を手懐けるための必要条件である一方,十分条件からはほど遠いものである。これは,よりいっそう徹底的に,官僚の圧政によりいっそう注意深く備えた,これまでに存在したいかなる純粋に政治的な民主主義よりもいっそう(政治的)宣伝の自由のための慎重な備え(熟慮した備え)を持った,(真の)民主主義によって補完されなければならない。 |
Chapter 18: The taming of Power, n.21IINot only, therefore, is democracy essential if State ownership and control of economic enterprises is to be in any degree advantageous to the average citizen, but it will have to be an effective democracy, and this will be more difficult to secure than it is at present, since the official class will, unless very carefully supervised, combine the powers at present possessed by the government and the men in control of industry and finance, and since the means of agitating against the government will have to be supplied by the government itself, as the sole owner of halls, paper, and all the other essentials of propaganda.While, therefore, public ownership and control of all largescale industry and finance is a necessary condition for the taming of power, it is far from being a sufficient condition. It needs to be supplemented by a democracy more thorough-going, more carefully safeguarded against official tyranny, and with more deliberate provision for freedom of propaganda, than any purely politcial democracy that has ever existed. |