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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 権力第13章 (松下彰良 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第13章 組織と個人, n.1 - 政治(統治)の必要性

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

 本章では,私は,一定の個人と関係のある組織(体)について考察したい。一定の組織(体)と関係のある個人については考察しない(ことにする)。もちろん,この(前者の)問題は,民主主義国家と全体主義国家とでは,非常に異なっている。というのは,全体主義国家においては,(個人が)関係する組織体は全て -ごく少数の例外を除いて- 国家の部門であるからである。けれども,私は,予備的な概観においては,できるかぎりその相違を無視したい。

Chapter XIII: Organizations and the Individual, n.1

Human beings find it profitable to live in communities, but their desires, unlike those of bees in a hive, remain largely individual ; hence arises the difficulty of social life and the need of government. For, on the one hand, government is necessary : without it, only a very small percentage of the population of civilized countries could hope to survive, and that in a state of pitiable destitution. But, on the other hand, government involves inequalities of power, and those who have most power will use it to further their own desires as opposed to those of ordinary citizens. Thus anarchy and despotism are alike disastrous, and some compromise is necessary if human beings are to be happy.

In the present chapter, I wish to consider the organizations concerned with a given individual, not the individuals concerned with a given organization. This matter is, of course, very different in democratic and in totalitarian States, for in the latter all the organizations concerned, with very few exceptions, are departments of the State. As far as possible, however, I wish to ignore this difference in a preliminary survey.

(掲載日:2018.01.14 /更新日: )