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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第7章 (松下 訳) - Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第7章 革命的な権力 n.22b- 個人の国家に対する関係の問題

(四) ロシア革命(続き)


Chapter VII: Revolutionary Power, n.22

IV. The Russian Revolution.(continued.)

The decay of Liberalism has many causes, both technical and psychological. They are to be found in the technique of war, in the technique of production, in the increased facilities for propaganda, and in nationalism, which is itself an outcome of Liberal doctrines. All these causes, especially where the State has economic as well as political power, have immensely increased the power of governments. The problems of our time, as regards the relation of the individual to the State, are new problems, which Locke and Montesquieu will not enable us to solve. A modern community, just as much as those of the eighteenth century, requires, if it is to remain happy and prosperous, a sphere for individual initiative, but this sphere must be defined afresh, and safeguarded by new methods.
(掲載日:2017.08.30/更新日: )