第2章 指導者と追従者 n.1 - 指導者と追従者
(参照:『讃美歌21』535番) 正義の主イエスに 従いゆき,もしこれが(ニーチェの言う)奴隷道徳ならば,戦闘の厳しさを耐える運命の兵士も,選挙運動(electioneering)で一生懸命活動する陣笠代議士(rank-and file politician 一兵卒の)も,すべて奴隷と見られなければならない。しかし,事実(実際のところ),真に協力的な仕事の場合には,心理的にいって,指導者と全く同様に,追従者も決して奴隷ではない。 これこそが,組織化というものが不可避のものとする権力の不平等を耐えることを可能にするのであり,そうして、権力の不平等は,社会がより有機的になるにつれて,減少するどころかむしろ増加してゆく傾向があるのである。
Chapter II: Leaders and followers, n.1The Power impulse has two forms: explicit, in leaders; implicit, in their followers. When men willingly follow a leader, they do so with a view to the acquisition of power by the group which he commands, and they feel that his triumphs are theirs. Most men do not feel in themselves the competence required for leading their group to victory, and therefore seek out a captain who appears to possess the courage and sagacity necessary for the achievement of supremacy. Even in religion this impulse appears. Nietzsche accused Christianity of inculcating a slave-morality, but ultimate triumph was always the goal. "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Or as a well-known hymn more explicitly states it :The Son of God goes forth to war,If this is a slave-morality, then every soldier of fortune who endures the rigours of a campaign, and every rank-and-file politician who works hard at electioneering, is to be accounted a slave. But in fact, in every genuinely cooperative enterprise, the follower is psychologically no more a slave than the leader. It is this that makes endurable the inequalities of power which organization makes inevitable, and which tend to increase rather than diminish as society grows more organic. |