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バートランド・ラッセル 私の哲学の発展
1918年のロンドンでの連続講義(松下良 訳)

My Philosophical Development, 1959

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第10章 「ヴィトゲンシュタインの衝撃」 n.5


 自分の哲学を言い表すのに「論理的原子論(Logical Atomism)」という名称を初めて採用したのは、この講義においてであった。しかし、ウィトゲンシュタインの学説は1914年にはまだ未完成(未成熟)の状態にあったので、この段階にこれ以上とどまる価値はない(not worth while to linger upon this phase)。重要なのは『論理哲学論考(Tractatus)』であり、そのタイプ原稿をウィトゲンシュタインは、第一次世界大戦休戦(1918年11月11日)後直ぐに −まだ彼が捕虜としてイタリアのモンテ・カッシノにいたときに− 私のところへ送って来た(郵送してきた)。私は『論考』の学説を、まずそれらの学説が当時の私に影響したものとして、また次に、それ以降、私がその学説をどう考えるようになっかについて、考察することにしよう。

Chapter 10 The Impact of Wittgenstein, n.5

At the beginning of 1918, I gave a course of lectures in London which were subsequently printed in The Monist (1918 and 1919). I prefaced these lectures by the following acknowledgement of my indebtedness to Wittgenstein: ‘The following articles are the first two lectures of a course of eight lectures delivered in London in the first months of 1918, and are very largely concerned with explaining certain ideas which I learnt from my friend and former pupil Ludwig Wittgenstein. I have had no opportunity of knowing his views since August 1914, and I do not even know whether he is alive or dead. He has therefore no responsibility for what is said in these lectures beyond that of having originally supplied many of the theories contained in them. The six other lectures will appear in the three following numbers of The Monist.

It was in these lectures that I first adopted the name ‘Logical Atomism’ to describe my philosophy. But it is not worth while to linger upon this phase, since Wittgenstein’s doctrines in 1914 were in an immature stage. What was important was the Tractatus, of which Wittgenstein sent me the typescript very soon after the Armistice, while he was still a prisoner at Monte Cassino. I shall consider the doctrines of the Tractatus, first as they affected me at the time, and then as I have since come to think of them.
(掲載日:2019.12.23/更新日: )