* 原著:The Autobiograpy of B. Russell, 1967* 出典:出典: 牧野力(編)『ラッセル思想辞典』
(要旨訳です。写真:ラッセルとアリス, 1894)
... I wondered whether she would remain unmarried until I grew up, for she was five years older than I was. It seemed unlikely but, I became increasingly determined that, if she did, I would ask her to marry me.
At this time I kept a locked diary, which I very carefully concealed from everyone. ... Not long afterwards a diary of my father's, written partly in shorthand (obviously for purposes of concealment), came into my hands. I found that he had proposed to my mother at just the same age at which I had proposed to Alys, that my grandmother had said almost exactly the same things to him as she had to me, and that he had recorded exactly the same reflections in his diary as I had recorded in mine.
It was a day on which there was a heavy snow-storm. ... It was on this occasion that I first kissed Alys. ... we spent the whole day, with the exception of meal-times, in kissing, with hardly a word spoken from morning till night, ...
Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1, chap. 4
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