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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第2巻第4章 - えこひいき?(松下彰良 訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2

前ページ 次ページ v.2,chap.4 (Second Marriage) 目次 Contents (総目次)

第2巻第4章 再婚(承前)

あるいは アマゾンで購入
 私たち夫婦と二人の子供には私的な特別な悩みがあった。他の少年たちがそう考えるのは自然なことではあるが,私たちが自分の息子を不当に'ひいき'していると考えていた。そういうことも考慮して,私たちは,自分の息子とその妹をひいきすることをさけるため,休暇のとき以外は,我が子と私たちの間に不自然な距離を置かなければならなかった。そうして,今度は,私の子供たちの方が,親への忠誠心を分断され,苦しんだ。即ち,自分の両親に対して,密告者(告げ口をする人)になるかあるいは欺瞞的行為をしなければならなかった。このようにして,私たちとジョンおよびケイトとの間に存在していた完全な幸福が壊されてしまい,そうしてぎこちなさと当惑がそれにとって代わった。(教師である)両親とその子供たちが同じ学校にいては,これと同じような問題が生ぜざるをえない,と思われる。 (右写真出典:R. Clark's The Life of B. Russell, 1975.)

v.2,chap.4: Second Marriage

Sometimes really sinister impulses came to light. There were among the pupils a brother and sister who had a very sentimental mother, and had been taught by her to profess a completely fantastic degree of affection for each other. One day the teacher who was superintending the midday meal found part of a hat-pin in the soup that was about to be ladled out. On inquiry, it turned out that the supposedly affectionate sister had put it in. 'Didn't you know it might kill you if you swallowed it?' we said. 'Oh yes,' she replied, 'but I don't take soup.' Further investigation made it fairly evident that she had hoped her brother would be the victim.
On another occasion, when a pair of rabbits had been given to a child that was unpopular, two other children made an attempt to burn them to death, and in the attempt, made a vast fire which blackened several acres, and, but for a change of wind, might have burnt the house down.
For us personally, and for our two children, there were special worries. The other boys naturally thought that our boy was unduly favoured, whereas we, in order not to favour him or his sister, had to keep an unnatural distance between them and us except during the holidays. They, in turn, suffered from a divided loyalty: they had either to be sneaks or to practise deceit towards their parents. The complete happiness that had existed in our relations to John and Kate was thus destroyed, and was replaced by awkwardness and embarrassment. I think that something of the sort is bound to happen whenever parents and children are at the same school.
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(掲載日:2009.04.09 /更新日:2011.10.14)