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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第3巻 34 post03- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.3 Postscript n.3

前ページ v.3,chap.4 (The Foundation) 目次 Contents (総目次)


あるいは アマゾンで購入
 私の仕事(活動)は終りに近づいており,私の仕事(活動)を一つの全体として概観できる時がきている。私は,どれだけ成功したのか? またどれだけ失敗したのか? 私は,若い時から,自分は人生を偉大かつ困難な仕事に捧げていると考えていた。ほぼ3/4世紀前(注:『ラッセル自伝』第3巻は1969年の出版。ラッセルがベルリンの大公園であるティーアガルテンを散策したのは1895年。従って正確にいうと74年前,冷たくきらきら光る3月の太陽のもとで融け始めた雪を踏んでティーアガルテンの中をひとりで歩きながら,私は二種類の系列の本を書こうと決意した。一つは抽象的なもので次第に具体的になってゆく系列の本,もう一つは具体的なもので次第に抽象的になってゆく系列の本である。それらは純粋理論を実際的な社会哲学と結びつけた一つの総合によって栄誉を与えられる(有終の美を飾る)予定であった。いまだ達成できていない最終的な総合を除けば,私はそれらの本をこれまで書いてきた。それらの本は,喝采を浴び,賞讃され,多くの男女の思考はそれらの本の影響を受けた。この程度まで,私は成功した。


Postscript (3)

My work is near its end, and the time has come when I can survey it as a whole. How far have I succeeded, and how far have I failed ? From an early age I thought of myself as dedicated to great and arduous tasks. Nearly three-quarters of a century ago, walking alone in the Tiergarten through melting snow under the coldly glittering March sun, I determined to write two series of books: one abstract, growing gradually more concrete; the other concrete, growing gradually more abstract. They were to be crowned by a synthesis, combining pure theory with a practical social philosophy. Except for the final synthesis, which still eludes me, I have written these books. They have been acclaimed and praised, and the thoughts of many men and women have been affected by them. To this extent I have succeeded.
But as against this must be set two kinds of failure, one outward, one inward.
To begin with the outward failure: the Tiergarten has become a desert; the Brandenburger Tor, through which I entered it on that March morning, has become the boundary of two hostile empires, glaring at each other across a barrier, and grimly preparing the ruin of mankind. Communists, Fascists, and Nazis have successfully challenged all that I thought good, and in defeating them much of what their opponents have sought to preserve is being lost. Freedom has come to be thought weakness, and tolerance has been compelled to wear the garb of treachery. Old ideals are judged irrelevant, and no doctrine free from harshness commands respect.
The inner failure, though of little moment to the world, has made my mental life a perpetual battle. I set out with a more or less religious belief in a Platonic eternal world, in which mathematics shone with a beauty like that of the last Cantos of the Paradiso. I came to the conclusion that the eternal world is trivial, and that mathematics is only the art of saying the same thing in different words. I set out with a belief that love, free and courageous, could conquer the world without fighting. I came to support a bitter and terrible war. In these respect, there was failure.
But beneath all this load of failure I am still conscious of something that I feel to be victory. I may have conceived theoretical truth wrongly, but I was not wrong in thinking that there is such a thing, and that it deserves our allegiance. I may have thought the road to a world of free and happy human beings shorter than it is proving to be, but I was not wrong in thinking that such a world is possible, and that it is worth while to live with a view to bringing it nearer. I have lived in the pursuit of a vision, both personal and social. Personal: to care for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle: to allow moments of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times. Social: to see in imagination the society that is to be created, where individuals grow freely, and where hate and greed and envy die because there is nothing to nourish them. These things I believe, and the world, for all its horrors, has left me unshaken.
