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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


バートランド・ラッセル「幸福に至る道」n.4 (松下彰良・訳) - Bertrand Russell : The road to happiness (1952)

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 もし、あなたがあなたの周囲の幸福と呼べる男女を熟視すれば、彼らは皆ある一定の共通点を持っていることがわかるだろう。これらの中で最も重要なものは、大抵の場合,それ自身のために楽しむことができ、かつ,さらに、実現されるのを見ることが嬉しいようなある種のものをしだいに作りあげてゆく活動である。自分の子供に本能的な喜びを見出す女性(婦人)は(多くの女性、特に教育のある女性はこの喜びと持っていないが)、この種類の満足を家族を育て上げてゆくことから得ることができる。芸術家や著作家や科学者は、自分たちの仕事が自身でよいものに思われる場合には、このようにして幸福を得る。しかし、同じ種類の喜びの、もっとつつましやかな多くの形態がある。(ロンドンの)シテイ(注:大文字 City であることの注意)で勤労生活をおくる多くの人々は、週末を(自宅で)庭いじりという自発的かつ無報酬の労苦に捧げ、春が来ると、美を創造したあらゆる喜びを経験する。
If you look about you at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common. The most important of these things is an activity which at most times is enjoyable on its own account, and which, in addition, gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence. Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children (which many women, especially educated women, do not) can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family. Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them. But there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure. Many men who spend their working life in the City devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes they experience all the joys of having created beauty.
It is impossible to be happy without activity, but it is also impossible to be happy if the activity is excessive or of a repulsive kind. Activity is agreeable when it is directed very obviously to a desired end and is not in itself contrary to impulse. A dog will pursue rabbits to the point of complete exhaustion and be happy all the time, but if you put the dog on a treadmill and gave him a good dinner after half an hour, he would not be happy till he got the dinner, because he would not have been engaged in a natural activity meanwhile. One of the difficulties of our time is that, in a complex modern society, few of the things that have to be done have the naturalness of hunting. The consequence is that most people, in a technically advanced community, have to find their happiness outside the work by which they make their living. And if their work is exhausting their pleasures will tend to be passive. Watching a football match or going to the cinema leaves little satisfaction afterward, and does not in any degree gratify creative impulses. The satisfaction of the players, who are active, is of quite a different order.