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ラッセル「ジョン・スチュアート・ミル」n.16 - Bertrand Russell : John Stuart Mill, 1955

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But the life of the Australian pioneer is one of heavenly bliss when compared with that of the peasant in Communist countries, who has become more completely a serf than he was in the worst days of the Czardom. He owns no land, he has no right to the produce of his own labor, the authorities permit him only a bare subsistence, and any complaint may land him in a forced-labor camp. The totalitarian State is the last term of organization, the goal toward which, if we are not careful, we shall find all developed countries tending. Socialists have thought that the power hitherto vested in capitalists would become beneficent if vested in the State. To some degree this is true, so long as the State is democratic. Communists, unfortunately, forgot this proviso. By transferring economic power to an oligarchic State, they produced an engine of tyranny more dreadful, more vast, and at the same time more minute than any that had existed in previous history. I do not think this was the intention of those who made the Russian Revolution, but it was the effect of their actions. Their actions had this effect because they failed to realize the need of liberty and the inevitable evils of despotic power.