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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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1973-11.Encounter with doubt; Nels Ferre and Bertrand Russell, by Wallace Gray.
In: Communio Viatorum, v.16,n.1/2: 1973, pp.39-59.

1973-12.A semiotic explanation of the genesis of the Russell-antinomies II(in Hungarian), by Istvan Balogh.
Magyar Filosof Szemle, 1973, p.359-376.

1973-13.S. Freud and B. Russell, by Harry Guntrip.
Contemporary Psychoanalysis, v.9,n.3: May 1973, p.263-281.

1973-14.B. Russell as a philosopher, by C. D. Broad.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, v.5: 1973, p.328-341.

1973-15.B. Russell as a mathematician, by Robin O. Grandy.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, v.5: 1973, p.342-348.

1973-15.B. Russell, F. R. S., by Georg Kreisel.
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, v.19: 1973, p.619-620(or583-620?).←要調査


1974-01.Peirce, Russell, and Achilles, by Victor F. Lenzen.
Transactions of the Peirce Society, v.10: Winter 1974, p.3-7.
1974-02.Russell on negative facts, by David B. Hausman.
Southern Journal of Philosophy, v.12: Spring 1974, p.49-53.

1974-03.B. Russell's response to environment, by Ronald Bordessa & Vykki J. Silzer.
Places, v.1,n.2: July 1974, p.37-42.

1974-04.Is Russell's paradox genuine?, by James Moulder.
Philosophy, v.49(n.189): July 1974, p.295-302.

1974-05.The Russell Archives; some new light on Russell's logicism, by I. Grattan-Guinness.
Annals of Science, v.31,n.5: Sept. 1974, p.387-406.

1974-06.Teoría de relaciones y universales en B. Russell, by José A. Robles.
Dianoia, v.20: 1974, p.86-97.

1974-07.B. Russell's perfectionism(in Polish), by C. Porebski.
Etyka, 1974, p.177-196.

1974-08.B. Russell on the aims of education, by Philip Stander.
Educational Forum, v.38,n.4: 1974, p.447-456.

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