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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


IV.-A2.ラッセル関係外国語文献 (逐次刊行物等に掲載されたもの)
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1972-25.Russell, radicalism, and reason, by Stuart Hampshire.
In: Philosophy and Political Action, ed. by V. Held, K. Nielsen & C. Parsons(New York; Oxford U. P., 1972).

1972-26.B. Russell; philosopher and humanist, by I. S. Narskii & E. F. Pomogaeva.
Voprosy filosofii, n.6: 1972.
* Repr. in: Soviet Studies in Philosophy, v.12,n.1: Summer 1973, p.33-53.


1973-01.Russell's incomplete symbols, by J. O. Urmson.
Analysis, v.33: Jan. 1973, p.111-112.

1973-02.Sobre la ontologia del atomismo logico de Russell, by Javier Muguerza.
Pensamiento, v.29: Apr. 1973, p.287-312.

1973-03.A note on Cantor's theorem and Russell's paradox, by J. N. Crossley.
Australasian Journal of Philosophy, v.51: May 1973, p.70-71.

1973-04.Russell on classes as logical fictions, by Steven E. Boer.
Analysis, v.33: June 1973, p.206-208.
1973-04.Russell, Searle and Hamlet, by Arthur Sard.
Journal of the History of Philosophy, v.11: July 1973, p.392-?.

1973-05.What Russell learned from Peano, by H. C. Kennedy.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, v.4,n.2: July 1973, p.367-371.

1973-06.Bradley on Russell and relations, by John Rolston.
Philosophical Forum(Boston), v.4: Summer 1973, p.513-530.

1973-07.B. Russell on pacifism; his view defined, by David Harley.
Humanist in Canada, n.26: Aug. 1973, p.34-37.

1973-08.B. Russell und die platonischen Ideen, by Gottfried Martin.
Studium Internationale für Filosof., v.5: Autumn 1973, p.169-179.

1973-09.Russell on memory, by R. K. Perkins, Jr.
Mind, v.82(n.328): Oct. 1973, p.600-601.

1973-10.A semiotic explanation of the genesis of the Russell-antinomies I(in Hungarian), by Istvan Balogh.
Magyar Filosof Szemle, 1973, p.1-9.

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