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1974-09.B. Russell's rhetoric and the dogma of doubt, by Wayne C. Booth.
In: Modern Dogma and Rhetoric of Assent, by W. C. Booth(Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1974), p.43-85.

1975-01.Wittgenstein on Russell's theory of types, by James B. Davant.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, v.16,n.1: Jan. 1975, p.102-108.

1975-02.Solipsistic politics; Russell's empirist liberalism, by Benjamin R. Barber.
Political Studies, v.23,n.1: Mar. 1975, p.12-28.

1975-03.Wiener on the logics of Russell and Schroder; an account of his doctral thesis and of his discussion of it with Russell, by I. Grattan-Guinness.
Annals of Science, v.32,n.2: Mar. 1975, p.103-132.

1975-04.Tres dificultades en la teoria de las descripciones de B. Russell, by Raul Orayen(in Spanish).
Critica, v.7: Apr. 1975, p.69-104.

1975-05.Russell on religion, by Jack Pitt.
International Journal of Philosophy of Religion, v.6: Spring 1975, p.40-53.
1975-06.Russell and Schlick; a remarkable agreement on a monistic solution of the mind-body problem, by Herbert Feigl.
Erkenntnis, v.9: May 1975, p.11-34.

1975-07.La filosofia analitica en George E. Moore y B. Russell, by Wonfilio Trejo.
Logos, v.3: May/Aug. 1975, p.63-85.

1975-08.Le "Platonisme" dans la première philosophie de Russell et le 'principe d'abstraction', by Jules Vuillemin.
Dialogue(Canada), v.14,n.2: June 1975, p.222-240.

1975-09.Philosophical foundations of Russell's logicism, by Michael Radner.
ibd., p.241-253.

1975-10.Russell's proof, by Avrum Stroll.
Canadian Journal of Philosophy, v.4: June 1975, p.653-662.

1975-11.How to Russell a Frege-Church, by David Kaplan.
Journal of Philosophy, v.72,n.19: Nov. 6, 1975, p.716-729.

1975-12.Russell, Frege and the puzzle of denoting, by Aloysius P. Martinich.
International Study of Philosophy, v.7: Fall 1975, p.145-154.

1975-13.Dissolving a middle in economics, or Dr. Marx meets Lord Russell, by Sidney Trivus.
Reason Papers, Fall 1975, p.1-14.

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