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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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1972-13.Russell ante el inicio de la matematica, by Javier Lorenzo.
Teorema, Dec. 1972, p.45-53.

1972-14.B. Russell as a philosopher, by A. J. Ayer.
Proceedings of the British Academy, v.58: 1972, p.127-151.
* Read 8 Mar. 1972.

1972-15~22: Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970.
Revue Internationale de Philosophie,, v.26(n.102): 1972, p.436-572.

*1972-15.B. Russell, 1872-1970, by G. Ryle.
ibid., p.436-443.
* See also (1970-14)

*1972-16.B. Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein's 'notes on logic', by Brian McGuinness.
ibid., p.444-460.

*1972-17.B. Russell et l'impact de Wittgenstein, by J. P. Leyraz.
ibid., p.461-482.

*1972-18.Russell on 'What there is', by Elizabeth R. Eames.
ibid., p.483-498.

*1972-19.Studies in B. Russell's theory of knowledge, by Conrad J. Koehler.
ibid., p.499-512.

*1972-20.Russell's theory of definite descriptions as opposed to Quine's singular Terms, by S. O. Welding.
ibid., p.513-533.

*1972-21.Logical flaws on philosophical problems; on Russell's Principia Mathematica, by J. Vuillemin.
ibid., p.534-556.

*1972-22.Essais romanesques de B. Russell, by P Devaux.
ibid., p.557-572.

1972-23.Phenomenological and empirical inadequacies of Russell's theory of perception, by Paul Tibbetts.
Philosophical Study(Ireland), v.20: 1972, p.98-108.

1972-24.B. Russell, by Frank Thakurdas.
In: Recent English Political Theory and the Idea of Liberty(Calcutta; Minerva Associations, 1972), chap. 4.

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