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Bertrand Russell: Critical Assessments, ed. by A. D. Irvine. 4 vols.
London; Routledge, 1998.

Vol. 1: Bertrand Russell: Life, Work and Influence.
Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction. Prologue: What I Have Lived For, by Bertrand Russell. A Short Chronology, 1872-1970, by Barry Feinberg and Kenneth Blackwell. Appendix: Chronological Table of Reprinted Articles.
1. Bertrand Russell, as Philosopher, by C.D. Broad.
2. Bertrand Russell, as Mathematician, by R.O. Gandy
3. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Earl Russell, 1872-1970, by Georg Kreisel
4. Bertrand Russell as a Philosopher, by A.J. Ayer
5. Russell's Philosophy: A Study of its Development, by Alan Wood
6. The Early Wittgenstein and the Middle Russell, by Kenneth Blackwell
7. Russell's Dismissal from Trinity: A Study in High Table Politics, by Paul Delany
8. A Chair of Indecency, by Barry Feinberg and Ronald Kasrils
9. War and Peace in the Nuclear Age, by Alan Ryan
10. Portrait of the Philosopher as Father, by Katharine Tait Select Primary Bibliography
Select Secondary Bibliography

Vol. 2: Bertrand Russell: Logic and Mathematics
Acknowledgements. Introduction.
1. The Russell Paradox, by Gottlob Frege
2. The Foundations of Mathematics, by Edwin Bidwell Wilson
3. What is Mathematics?, by James Byrnie Shaw
4. An Axiom in Symbolic Logic, by C.E. Van Horn
5. Mathematical Logic, by F.P. Ramsey
6. The Theory of Types, by Paul Weiss
7. On the Theory of Types, by W.V. Quine
8. Comparison of Russell's Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies With That of Tarski, by Alonzo Church
9. Russell's Mathematical Logic, by Kurt Godel
10. The Logicist Foundations of Mathematics, by Rudolf Carnap
11. Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, II, §§1-14, by Ludwig Wittgenstein
12. How to Godel a Frege-Russell: Godel's Incompleteness Theorems and Logicism, by Geoffrey Hellman
13. Epistemic Logicism and Russell's Regressive Method, by A.D. Irvine
14. Logic in Russell's Logicism, by Peter W. Hylton
15. Russell's Reasons for Ramification, by Warren D. Goldfarb
16. Was the Axiom of Reducibility a Principle of Logic?, by Bernard Linsky
17. The Advantages of Honest Toil Over Theft, by George Boolos
18. Russell's 'No-Classes' Theory of Classes, by Leonard Linsky
19. New Evidence concerning Russell's Substitutional Theory of Classes, by Gregory Landini
20. Russell, Godel and Logicism, by Francisco A. Rodriguez-Consuegra
21. Mathematics and Logic, by Alonzo Church

Vol. 3 - Bertrand Russell: Language, Knowledge and the World
Acknowledgements. Introduction.
1. Russell's Conception of Philosophy, by John G. Slater
2. His Conception of Philosophy, by A.J. Ayer
3. The Existence of the World as a Problem, by John Dewey
4. Mr Russell's Theory of Judgment, by George F. Stout
5. Mr Bertrand Russell's Outline of Philosophy, by H.A.Prichard
6. On What There Isn't: The Meinong-Russell Dispute, by Peter Simons
7. Russell on Specific and Universal Relations, by Nicholas Griffin and Gad Zak
8. Russell on 'What There Is', by Elizabeth R. Eames
9. Russell's Logical Constructions, by Bernard Linsky
10. What is Russell's Theory of Descriptions?, by David Kaplan
11. On Referring, by Peter F. Strawson
12. Strawson, Russell and the King of France, by Herbert Hochberg
13. On the Nature of Acquaintance: A Discussion of Russell's Theory of Knowledge, by Roderick M. Chisholm
14. The Function of Acquaintance in Russell's Philosophy, by David Pears
15. Logical Atomism and Ontological Atoms, by William Lycan
16. Russell's Neutral Monism, by Robert E. Tully
17. The Concept of Structure in The Analysis of Matter,by William Demopoulos and Michael Friedman
18. Russell's Doubts About Induction, by Paul Edwards
19. Russell on Scientific Inference or Will the Real Deductivist Please Stand Up?, by Wesley C. Salmon

Vol. 4: Bertrand Russell: History of Philosophy, Ethics,Education, Religion and Politics.
Acknowledgements. Introduction.
1. Russell Making History: The Leibniz Book, by Graeme Hunter
2. Russell's Examination of Leibniz Examined, by Gustav Bergmann
3. A History of Western Philosophy, by Isaiah Berlin
4. Russell's Moral Theories, by D.H. Monro
5. A Tract on Sex and Marriage, by Eugene M. Kayden
6. Marriage and Morals, by Alan Wood
7. Bertrand Russell and The Liberal Tradition, by Richard Wollheim
8. Science as Method: The Conceptual Link between Russell's Philosophy and His Educational Thought, by Howard Woodhouse
9. The Beacon Hill School, by Joe Park
10. Russell's Contribution to Philosophy of Education, by William Hare
11. Why I Am Not a Christian, by T.S. Eliot
12. Russell on Religion, by Jack Pitt
13. Nourishing Life: Russell and the Twentieth-Century British Peace Movement, 1900-18, by Thomas C. Kennedy
14. Lord Russell and the War Crimes Trial, by Sidney Hook
15. Bertrand Russell and The Peace Movement, by Ralph Schoenman
16. Bertrand Russell and the Peace Movement: Liberal Consistency or Radical Change?, by Edward F. Sherman
17. To Oppose the Stream, by I.F. Stone
Prologue or Epilogue?, by Bertrand Russell

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