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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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01.Bertrand Russell; a life, by Caroline Moorehead. London; Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992. [iiiv], 596 p.


01.In Quest of Certainty; Bertrand Russell's search for certainty in religion and mathmatics up to The Principles of Mathematics(1903), by Stefan Andersson. Stockholm, Sweden; Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1994. xiii, 192 p. (Studia Philosophiae Religionis, n. 18)

02.Bertrand Russell, by John G. Slater. With a preface by Ray Monk. Bristol, England; Thoemmes Press, 1994. xii, 171 p. (Bristol Introductions)

03.Dewey's New Logic; a reply to Russell, by Tom Burke. Chicago & London, University of Chicago Press, 1994. xii,288 p.
*Paper ed. first pub. in 1994.
Contents: Preface. 1.Introduction. 2.Dewey's alleged holism. 3.The existential and the real. 4.Inquiry as concrete probmem solving. 5.Propositions and judgments. 6.Conclusion. Bibliography(p.269-280) Index.


01.The Social and Political Thought of Bertrand Russell; the development of an aristocratic liberalism, by Philip Ironside. Cambridge University Press, 1996. xi, 280 p.
Contents: Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1.A young man of character. 2.Fellow-travelling with the Fabians. 3.Out of the moral gymnasium. 4.Political science. 5.The sage of Caxton Hall. 6.Anarchist tendencies. 7.Russia, China, and the West. 8.The Wellsian trajestory. 9.Ideologies and dystopias. Epilogue: Russell and the idea of the clerisy. Note. Bibliography. Index.

02.Bertrand Russell, the spirit of solititude, 1872-1921, by Ray Monk. New York, London, Tronto, Sidney and Singapore; The Free Press(=a division of Simon and Schuster), 2000. xx, illus. 695 p. 24 cm.
Contents: Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part I 1872-1914: 1.Ghosts. 2.Cambridge. 3.The corpse in the cargo. 4.The whole and its parts. 5.The religion of sorrow. 6.The long night. 7.Rewakened visions. 8.Hard dry reasoning. 9.Perplexities. 10.The shattered wave. 11.The external world and the central fire. 12.Mr Apollinax. Part II 1914-1921: 13.Against the multitude. 14.Breaking the Shell. 15.Mrs E. 16.Mephisto. 17.The Misanthrope. 18.Return to Philosophy. 19.Prison. 20.Roads to freedom: 20-1.Philosophy, 20-2.Dora. 20-3.Russia, 20-4.China. 21.The coming back. Notes and references. Bibliography. Index.


01.Bertand Russell; Mathematics: Dreames and Nightmares, by Ray Monk. London, Phoenix, 1997. 58 p. (The Great Philosophers ser. n.7)

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