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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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01.Bertrand Russell, by Ray Monk New York; Routledge, 1999. 58 p. 18 cm. (the great philosophers ser.)
Contents: 1.The Pythagorian dream. 2.The mathematician's nightmare.


01.The Inquisition of Bertrand Russell Appointment Denied, by Thom Weidlich Prometheus Books, 2000. 233 p. (Bristol Introductions)
Contents: 1.The scoop. 2.Two preachers. 3.The adversaries maneuver. 4.New York City, 1940. 5.Rallying. 6.The student protest. 7.The politicians enter the fray. 8.La Guardia's board. 9.Reconsidering. 10.Catholics. 11.Mrs. Kay. 12.Bertrand Russell's sexual revolution. 13.The hearing. 14.A chair of indecency. 15.The organization judge. 16.What is academic freedom? 17.Intervening. 18.Artful dodging. 19.Copycats. 20.Autumn. 21.Rebels. Acknowledgments. Notes. Selected bibliography. Index.

02.The Ghost of Madness, 1921-1970, by Ray Monk. New York, London, Tronto, Sidney and Singapore; The Free Press(=a division of Simon and Schuster), 2000. xiv, illus. 574 p. 24 cm.
Contents: Preface and and acknowledgements. List of illustrations. Part III 1921-1938: 1.Fallen angel: Russell at forty-nine. 2.Moral trainning in the Waste Land. 3.How to be free and happy. 4.The new morality. 5.Divorce. 6.Forward to the past. 7.Back to philosophy. Part IV 1938-1970: 8.Russell in America. 9.The bomb goes off. 10. 41 Queen's Road. 11.'Remember your humanity and forget the rest'. 12.Russell's viper. 13.The Guevarist years. 14.The final visitation. Notes and references. Bibliography. Index.

01.Bertrand Russell in 90 Minutes, by Paul Strathern. Chicago; IVAN R. Dee, 2001. 92 p. 21 cm.
Contents: Introduction. Russell's life and works. Criticisms and comments. Chronology of significant philosophical dates. Chronology of Russell's life. Recommended reading. Index.
* paparback ed. = 20 cm.

02.The ABC of Armageddon; B. Russell on science, religion, and the next war, 1919-1938, by Peter H. Denton. New York; State University of New York Press, 2001. ix, 169 p. 23 cm.

03.Yours Faithfully, Bertrand Russell; a lifelong fight fro peace, justice, and truth in letters to the editor, ed. by Ray Perkins, jr. Chicago and La Salle, Illinois; Open Court, 2002. xii,433 p. 23 cm.


**.Logcomix; an Epic Search for Truth, by Apostolos K. Doxiadis; Christos H. Papadimitriou. Art by Alecos Papadatos; Colour by Annie Di Donna. London; Berlin, New York; Bloomsbury, 2009. 347 pp. 23 cm.
* dramatic graphic novel

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