バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )


Men whose circumstances have always been more comfortable than those of the majority are, as a rule, incapable of sympathy with those who are less fortunate. Sometimes they are frankly callous, sometimes they adopt the more nauseous view that happiness depends upon the soul and is independent of material well-being, so that they are doing no real harm to the poor in taking more than their share of this world's goods.
 出典::On economic security (written in June 1, 1932 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.

 「由らしむべし知らしむべからず」の精神では,いずれほころびがでる。  情報公開を制限する理由,あるいは隠れ蓑として,政府も官僚も,「国民の生命を守る」「国土を死守する」「国民の生活・暮らしを守る」などと繰り返し,批判をそらしている。