バートランド・ラッセルの名言・警句( Bertrand Russell Quotes )

but Kate was only fifteen, and this seemed young for the University. I made enquiries among friends as to which school in Los Angeles had the highest academic standard, and there was one that they all concurred in recommending, so I sent her there. But I found that there was only one subject taught that she did not already know, and that was the virtues of the capitalist system. I was therefore compelled, in spite of her youth, to send her to the University.
 出典:The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2 chap. 6:America, 1968

  戦前の日本だったら、必須科目の一つは,教育勅語であり,神話の時代も含め代々の天皇の名前を暗唱することでしょうか? そのうち、代々の総理大臣の名前を暗記させることが義務教育にはいってきたりして・・・。  まさかね。