Bertrand Russell Quotes

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366

Blame, when it is deliberate, is both an emotion and a judgment; I feel a dislike of the act that I blame, and I judge that I do right in feeling this dislike. The emotion is just a fact, and raises no theoretical issue, but the judgment is a more difficult matter. ... Perhaps the judgment is not really a judgment, but another emotion, namely, an emotion of approval towards my likes or dislikes. According to this view, when I deliberately, and not impulsively, blame an act, I dislike the act, and feel towards my dislike an emotion of approval.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, (1954), chapter98:Is there ethical knowledge ?
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That it is not the role of a philosopher to say something a little witty.  Would many people be offended if I told them that those who teach philosophy at universities are "teachers (or researchers) of philosophy" but, for the most part, are not "philosophers"?
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