

「私たちは上ろうと思っていました。しかし,上っていくべきかどうか議論しました。賛成反対の両側から,多くの重要な論点(議論)が出されました。しかし,ついに,私たちの態度を決定した論点(議論) が出されました。つまり,このパゴダはいつ崩れるかわからない状態ですので,もし崩れた場合,この哲学者がどのようにして死んだか目撃証言することのできる者がいることは良いことだろう,と私たちは思いました。」
 彼らが本当に言おうとしたことは,その日は暑くて,自分たちは肥っているので登りたくない,ということであった。(出典: ラッセル『自伝』第2巻第3章「中国」)

The Chinese have (or had) a sense of humour which I found very congenial. Perhaps communism has killed it, but when I was there they constantly reminded me of the people in their ancient books. One hot day two fat middle-aged business men invited me to motor into the country to see a certain very famous half-ruined pagoda. When we reached it, I climbed the spiral staircase, expecting them to follow, but on arriving at the top I saw them still on the ground. I asked why they had not come up, and with portentous gravity they replied:
'We thought of coming up, and debated whether we should do so. Many weighty arguments were advanced on both sides, but at last there was one which decided us. The pagoda might crumble at any moment, and we felt that, if it did, it would be well there should be those who could bear witness as to how the philosopher died.'
What they meant was that it was hot and they were fat.

Source: The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.2, 1968, chap. 3: China.
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